In recent times, there has been a renewed interest in ancient architectural principles like Vastu Shastra, which aims to create a harmonious and balanced living environment. Vastu is a traditional Indian system that focuses on the interplay of energy, elements, and design to enhance the overall well-being of individuals residing in a home. By incorporating Vastu principles into your home’s design and arrangement, you can create a positive and peaceful living space. In this blog, we will explore some fundamental guidelines to help you make your home more Vastu-friendly.

  1. Entrance and Main Door:

The entrance of a home holds significant importance in Vastu Shastra. It is considered the gateway for energy to flow into your house. Ensure that the main door is well-maintained, opens inwards, and is larger than the other doors in the house. Decorate the entrance with auspicious symbols like the Swastika or Om to invite positive energy.

  1. Placement of Rooms:

The placement of different rooms within your home can greatly influence the energy flow. Here are some key considerations:

a. Living Room: Position the living room in the northeast, north, or east directions. Place furniture in a way that encourages conversation and allows free movement. Avoid clutter and ensure adequate lighting to create a vibrant and welcoming space.

b. Bedroom: Choose the southwest corner of the house for the master bedroom. Ensure that the bed is placed against a solid wall and avoid positioning it under a beam or directly in line with the door. Keep the room free from electronics and promote a calm and soothing atmosphere.

c. Kitchen: The southeast corner of the house is considered ideal for the kitchen. Keep the cooking area clean and organized, and position the stove in the southeast direction. Ensure good ventilation and natural light in the kitchen to promote positive energy.

  1. Colors and Elements:

Colors play a crucial role in Vastu, as they can influence mood and energy levels. Consider the following color suggestions:

a. Living Areas: Opt for light and soothing colors like pastels or neutrals. Shades of green and blue promote tranquility, while yellow and orange encourage liveliness.

b. Bedrooms: Choose soft, muted colors like light blue, green, or lavender for a calming ambiance. Avoid dark and vibrant hues, as they can disrupt sleep patterns.

c. Bathrooms: Use neutral colors like white or cream, and add a touch of soft pastels. These colors create a clean and refreshing atmosphere.

Incorporate natural elements like plants, water features, and artwork that resonate with your style and preferences. These elements can further enhance the positive energy in your home.

  1. Organization and Clutter:

Maintaining a clutter-free environment is essential for good energy flow. Regularly declutter your living spaces and get rid of unnecessary items. Organize your belongings systematically, ensuring that each item has its designated place. A well-organized home promotes a sense of calmness and clarity.

  1. Natural Light and Ventilation:

Ample natural light and proper ventilation are vital for a Vastu-friendly home. Open curtains and blinds during the day to let sunlight filter in. Ensure that all rooms have windows that allow fresh air to circulate. Well-ventilated spaces encourage the flow of positive energy and contribute to a healthy living environment.


Creating a Vastu-friendly home involves a mindful approach to space, design, and energy flow. By implementing these guidelines, you can establish a harmonious and balanced living environment that promotes well-being and positivity. Remember that Vastu principles are meant to be adaptable, so feel free to incorporate them into your home according to your personal preferences and style. May your Vastu-friendly